Social Studies Lab

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Climate Change is Happening whether you like it or not

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Critical Analysis

  1. Climate change is happening. According to the data from the chart above, what portion of Americans believe climate change is happening?

  2. What story does this chart tell?

  3. Based on the evidence from the chart above, describe how Americans’ views on climate change have changed over time .

  4. What is one consequence of this level of climate change denial on American climate policy?

  5. When America mobilized to fight fascism in World War II very few Americans did not believe fascism was real. Very few Americans did not believe there was a War happening. How do you think the fact that almost a third of Americans do NOT believe climate change is real will impact our ability to fight climate change? In other words, how do you solve a problem a third of you say isn’t a problem?

  6. based on the chart below, How does political ideology, party affiliation, and demographics like age and gender impact climate change beliefs?*

  7. Recently in class my student Jim said, “sometimes we have to just agree to disagree.” How would you respond to Jim’s statement regarding climate change.

  8. Identify some of the major players (people or agencies) in the Biden administration that deal with climate change.

  9. President Biden has made a pledge to cut climate emissions by 50% by 2030. What are other policies the President could advance to help fight climate change?

  10. Describe how you think the climate crisis will most impact your life.

Learning Extension

We thought sea levels were rising fast. They’re rising even faster than we thought. Look at these super scary maps of rising sea levels.

Action Extension

Here is a list of 10 things you can do about the climate crisis. Do one and report back in class or online. Then do the rest.

Visual Extension

See this content in the original post
See this content in the original post