Cultural Appropriation Much?

Critical Analysis

  1. What is your school mascot?

  2. What is the most commonly used high school team name linked to Native American people and culture?

  3. Here is the complete list of Native American mascot names used by high school sports teams. Why do you think so many American high schools name their mascots after Native American culture or tribes?

  4. Only 2 percent of Native mascots are used at tribal high schools, and 98 percent of Native mascots are used at non-tribal/non-Native American high schools. Do you think it is okay for Native Americans to name their mascot after themselves?

  5. The Washington Football Team dropped the name R*dskin from its name because it is a racial slur. Why do you think a professional sports team dropped the name, but 45 high schools still use the name?

  6. Search this database of Native American related mascot names by state. Are there any racist mascot names in your county, district, or area?

  7. Does your state outlaw using Native American culture or people for names of sports teams?

  8. Do you think your state should outlaw using Native American names?

  9. Here is an argument to end using Native American mascots and here is an argument for using Native American mascots. Explain which claim is more persuasive to you.

  10. After several years of discussion, the NCAA Executive Board voted unanimously that Native mascots must go, declaring that teams with “hostile and abusive racial/ethnic/national origin mascots, nicknames or imagery” would be prevented from hosting NCAA championship events and required to use equipment that didn’t display that imagery in championship games. Within three years, Native American mascot names were gone (with a few exceptions*). What do you think would happen if professional sports leagues and high school sports associations did the same thing?

Learning Extension

Read this FiveThirtyEight story about Native American mascot names, browse this ranking of the most racist professional sports team names, then watch the video below.

Action Extension

Contact the NFL league office and Commissioner Roger Goodell and let them know what you think about the mascot and logo of the Washington franchise:

  • Write to Roger Goodell at NFL Commissioner, 345 Park Ave., New York, NY 10154

  • Call the NFL league office at 212-450-2000.

  • Send a message to Commissioner Goodell on Twitter @nflcommish

  • Write to the NFL’s new VP of Social Responsibility Anna Isaacson at and let her know what you think

Visual Extension


117th Congress Generational Breakdown

