Social Studies Lab

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What is the current gap in President Biden's approval rating between Republicans and Democrats?

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Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. According to the data from the visual above, since 1953 which president had the highest average approval rating from their own party?

  2. According to the chart, since 1953 which president had the biggest gap between approval from their own party and from the opposition party?

  3. In general, since 1953 what has happened to the average presidential approval among the other party?

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. What is one consequence of this trend on American political stability?

  6. How do you think this growing polarization impacts the ability of presidents to enact their agenda?

  7. For much of the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, over half of the members of the opposition party approved of the job he was doing. The gap of approval between Republicans and Democrats throughout his presidency was, on average, less than 40 points. What is the current gap in President Biden's approval rating between Republicans and Democrats?

  8. Explain which type of president would be better able to enact their agenda: a president with an extremely high approval from their own party and an extremely low approval from the opposition party, or a president with moderate support from both parties.

  9. In general, what tends to happen to presidential support over a president’s tenure in office?

  10. How do you think the recent trends of political polarization and presidential approval will impact the Biden presidency and the likelihood of his reelection?

Learning Extension

Check out the Pew Research Center data and analysis of presidential approval.

Action Extension

Tweet (or should I say X?) President Biden @POTUS and let him know what you think about his approval rating and where it is heading.

Visual Extension