Social Studies Lab

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CON-gressional disapproval

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, what percentage of Americans currently approve of the job Congress is doing?

  2. The current 117th Congress convened on January 3, 2021. What was the highest level of approval of Congress since then?

  3. After Congress passed the latest COVID-19 economic relief package, known as the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Congress’s approval rose to this year’s high point of 36%. The approval of Congress has fallen dramatically since March 2021. Why do you think Congressional approval has fallen to such a low level?

  4. Republican party opinion of the Congress has remained steady throughout the year. Based on the chart below* what has been the main change in party affiliation and congressional approval?

  5. Recently, the Democratic Party which controls Congress has been negotiating, compromising, bickering, and failing to pass President Biden’s ambitious spending bill. Imagine that the Biden Plan finally passed. How would that impact Congress’ approval?

  6. The legislative branch is, of course, bicameral, and Congress consists of a House (D) and Senate (D). The Executive Branch, headed by President Joe Biden (D), is NOT bicameral. The POTUS has an approval rating that is currently holding steady at about 42% (November 1, 2021). Why is the President’s approval twice as high as Congress?

  7. Every single House member and 1/3 of U.S. Senators face reelection in little over 1 year. Do these numbers bode well for Democratic Party control of the Congress?

  8. If you were member of the Democratic Party trying to increase the approval of Congress, what is one thing you would do?

  9. A student (let’s call her Nancy) recently made the claim that because incumbents (the person already in office) win about 90% of the time, congressional approval ratings do NOT really matter. Respond to Nancy’s claim.

  10. Based on the chart below* how has Congressional approval fluctuated over the past 50(ish) years?

Learning Extension

Check out the details of the Gallup Polling congressional approval data.

Action Extension

Contact any of your House representative or Senators and let them know how you think they are doing.

Visual Extension*

Sign up for our November 11 GoPo Refresher Workshop on Zoom