I Can't Get No Satisfaction with Seven Broad Aspects of how the U.S. functions

Critical Analysis

  1. Identify the percent of Americans who are satisfied with seven aspects of how the U.S. functions.*

  2. What is the change in the percent of Americans who are satisfied over the past year?

  3. Describe the trend in satisfaction over the past two decades.

  4. Explain the most important reasons for this change.

  5. Explain how this changing level of satisfaction with these seven aspects of the U.S. impacts voter turnout?

  6. How satisfied are you with the seven aspects of life in American today? *

  7. How does party affiliation impact levels of satisfaction with the U.S.?*

  8. Which is the highest ranked of the following seven aspects of life in America today? 1)the overall quality of life, 2)the opportunity for a person in this nation to get ahead by working hard, 3)the influence of organized religion, 4)the size and power of federal government, 5)our system of government and how well it works, 6)the size and influence of major corporations, and 7)The moral and ethical climate.*

  9. What percent of Americans say that they are satisfied with the size and power of the federal government?*

  10. With what aspect of American public life are Republicans least satisfied and with what aspect of American public life are Democrats most satisfied?

  11. In what way do American Democrats and Republicans most agree about American public life?

  12. If the trends in the chart continue, by the year 2024, what percent of Americans will be satisfied with seven aspects of how the U.S. functions?

*The seven aspects of hos the U.S. functions. 1)the overall quality of life, 2)the opportunity for a person in this nation to get ahead by working hard, 3)the influence of organized religion, 4)the size and power of federal government, 5)our system of government and how well it works, 6)the size and influence of major corporations, and 7)The moral and ethical climate.*

Learning Extension

Read the most recent Gallup Poll results on American satisfaction with life in America today.

Action Extension

Ask ten people under the age of 25 how satisfied they are with the seven aspects of public life in America* today and compare your results with that of the general public. Share your results online or in class.

Visual Extension*

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