I Can't Get No Satisfaction with the State of the Nation!

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the visual above, as of 2022 what percent of Americans are very dissatisfied with the state of the nation.

  2. According to the data from the visual above, in 1996 what percent of Americans are very dissatisfied with the state of the nation.

  3. Describe the overall change in American attitudes about the state of the nation over the past 26 years.

  4. Explain the most important reasons for this change.

  5. How much do you think the U.S. mass media is responsible for the dissatisfaction with the state of the nation?

  6. In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with with the way things are going in the United States at this time?

  7. According to Gallup polling data, strong dissatisfaction with the state of the nation reached its peak in 2021, at 66%, amid the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot and a then-record number of U.S. coronavirus cases and deaths. The peak level of satisfaction with the sate of the nation came in 2002. Based on your knowledge of American political history, make a claim as to why satisfaction peaked in 2002.

  8. Explain how this changing level of satisfaction with the state of the nation impacts presidential elections.

  9. According to the visual below* how does party affiliation impact levels of satisfaction with the U.S.?*

  10. Based on the data from the visual below* and your knowledge of American politics, make a claim about why Democrats are more satisfied than Republicans in the state of the nation.

Learning Extension

Read the most recent Gallup Poll results on American satisfaction with life in America today.

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Action Extension

Contact President Joe Biden and suggest one step he could take to increase Americans’ level of satisfaction with the state of the nation. And tell him I said hi!

Visual Extension*

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