
Critical analysis

  1. According to the data in the chart above, what country has the highest percentage of workers in unions?

  2. According to the data in the chart above, what percent of American workers are in unions?

  3. How does that level of unionization compare to other OECD (developed) countries?

  4. Wait a sec. What the heck is a labor union?

  5. The U.S. had a labor union membership rate of 20.1 percent back in 1983 and today, that figure is less than 11 percent. In the '50s, 1 in 3 private sector workers was a member of a union. Now that's about 6%. Why do you think union membership has declined?

  6. What is one consequence on the decline of union membership?

  7. What are some advantages of unions?

  8. What are some disadvantages of unions?

  9. Make a claim about whether union membership is beneficial to the United States

  10. Based on the data from the map below*, what state has the highest union membership?

  11. Based on the data from the map below*, what is one geographic pattern in union membership in the U.S.?

  12. What can the POTUS do to influence public policy regarding unions?

  13. What can you do to influence public policy regarding unions?

  14. Imagine you worked at the Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama. Explain whether you would vote to join the union.

Action Extension

Follow the unionization vote in Alabama and share what you learn in class or online.

Learning Extension

Listen to this 2 minute NPR story on union voting at the Alabama Amazon facility.

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Visual Extension*


What is the most extreme congressional district in the US?


D.C. Statehood