Social Studies Lab

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Changes in the Electorate by race 2008-2020

*AAPI means Asian American Pacific Islander

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the table above, what racial group was the largest voting group in 2020?

  2. According to the data from the table above, what racial group grew the most as a percentage of the electorate between the 2016 and 2020 elections?

  3. Using the data from the chart above, describe the change in the size of the White vote since 2008.

  4. Describe one trend based on the data from the table above.

  5. What is the best explanation for that trend?

  6. What is one political consequence of that trend?

  7. Based on the data from the chart below, how did the voting trends of these demographic groups impact the results of the 2020 election?*

  8. How does the relative fall in the power of the White voter explain the rise of the MAGA movement and the Donald Trump presidency?

  9. If you were the leader of a political party would you be more inclined to increase voter turnout of your party or try to decrease voter turnout of your opponent?

  10. Describe how the racial composition and party affiliation of the electorate will influence campaign strategy for the 2024 election.

Learning Extension

See all the beautiful data from the 2020 election from Catalist.

Action Extension

Register to vote. It will take two minutes. Yes, I know we just had an election, and hopefully we will have more. So get registered.

Visual Extension*

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

See this product in the original post