Wealth-Life Gap

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, how much annual household income does a male American need to earn to achieve a life expectancy of over 85 years?

  2. According to the data from the chart above, on average, how much longer do American men with an annual household income of over $250k live than American men with an annual household income of less than $50k?

  3. Identify one trend from the data in the chart above.

  4. What are two factors that explain the huge life expectancy divide between the rich and the poor in the U.S.?

  5. What is one consequence of this wealth/life divide?

  6. Describe how this divided has impacted your life.

  7. What do you think this gap looks like in countries that provide health care to all regardless of income?

  8. What is one program or policy that could help close the wide gap in life expectancy?

  9. Describe the three parts of an iron triangle that would be involved in making and implementing any policy regarding the wealth/life expectancy gap.

  10. What would followers of the following ideologies have to say about this gap:





Learning Extension

Read the entire NYTimes report on the U.S. life expectancy gap.

Action Extension

Contact POTUS Biden and let him know what you think he should do about this gap?

Visual Extension


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