Social Studies Lab

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Face Time All The Time

What portion of Americans trust law enforcement to use facial recognition technology responsibly?

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  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What did you find most interesting about the data?

  3. What question do you have about this data?

  4. Let’s say you were going to poll Americans about technology. What question would you like to survey Americans about?

  5. What is the big story the data tells about Americans’ views on facial recognition technology?

  6. Why do you think that is?

  7. What is one consequence of this?

  8. Based on the data, why has the U.S. government not passed legislation outlawing facial recognition technology?

  9. Explain how the fact that the average U.S. House member is 57.8 years old, the average U.S. Senator is 61.8 years old, and the POTUS is 73 years old impacts the likelihood of action on this topic.

  10. Explain your opinion about whether you trust law enforcement to use facial recognition technology responsibly.

  11. How much do Americans even know about facial recognition technology at all?*

  12. My student Hortense (which is a beautiful name) said in class the other day that, “Americans are so dagum divided on EVERYTHING!!!! We can’t even agree about how divided we are! And that makes me mad as a wet hen!” Explain whether these data support or refute Hortense’s claim that Americans are divided about everything.

  13. What did the Framers of the Constitution write about facial recognition technology?

  14. What did the Framer’s specifically set up in the U.S. Constitution to allow future (our) generations to deal with these sorts of technological advances and changes?

  15. Connect the dots (explain the connection) between facial recognition technology and the 4th Amendment.

  16. Federalists like Alexander Freaking Hamilton or James Tiny Madison wrote the Federalist Papers to argue for ratification of the Constitution. Anti-Federalists like Robert crazy-legs Yates wrote Anti-Federalist papers like Brutus 1 arguing against ratifying the Constitution. Rapper Daniel Hernandez, who is also known as 6ix9ine, did not write any Federalist or Anti-Federalist papers. Federalists preferred a robust central (national) government while Anti-Federalists were suspicious of a powerful central (federal) government. Explain what argument Federalist and Anti-Federalists would have likely made about the government using facial recognition software.

  17. Describe another issue regarding privacy and technology that concerns you.

  18. According to scientists, Facial Recognition Is Accurate, if You’re a White Guy. It’s not so great if you are female or non-white. For example, Gender was misidentified in up to 1 percent of lighter-skinned males in a set of 385 photos. Gender was misidentified in up to 7 percent of lighter-skinned females in a set of 296 photos. Gender was misidentified in up to 12 percent of darker-skinned males in a set of 318 photos. Gender was misidentified in 35 percent of darker-skinned females in a set of 271 photos. Make an argument using the 14th Amendment about why facial recognition technology should not be used by the U.S. Government.

  19. What U.S. Government agencies are currently using facial recognition technology? (See learning extension)*

  20. Explain whether in the future we will have more or less privacy.

  21. African Americans are much less trusting than Whites of law enforcement use of facial recognition software. Why do you think that is?*

  22. How do the following demographic groups feel about facial recognition technology and what explains these demographic differences:*

  • Older Americans

  • Younger Americans

  • Democrats

  • Republicans

  • Whites

  • African-Americans

Visual Extension

Learning Extension

Read the Vox article, Here’s where the US government is using facial recognition technology to surveil Americans.*

Action Extension

Download the free app or use the Countable website to contact your U.S. representative and share your opinion on legislation regarding facial recognition software. With Countable you can also easily share your opinion about just about any issue and see how your reps vote on different bills!

Random Sad Data Extension

Cats ringing bells for dinner wearing Banana Hats to disguise them from feline facial recognition technology Extension

Plea for Attention Extension

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