Social Studies Lab

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Cuban Voters

Critical Analysis

  1. What portion of Cuban American voters identify or lean Republican?

  2. How does that compare to other Hispanic American voters?

  3. What is the big story this chart tells?

  4. Why do you think Cuban Americans have such different political party affiliation than other Hispanic Americans?

  5. Cubans only make up 4% of all Hispanic Americans. 66% of Cubans live in Florida. Why does this group have such a powerful impact on presidential elections?

  6. Explain whether this chart is good news for American democracy?

  7. How does Cuban American voter turnout compare to other Hispanic American groups?

  8. Claim: All Hispanic Americans vote the same. Respond to this claim using your knowledge of U.S. politics, facts, logic, and reason.

  9. Since taking office in 2017, Trump has imposed several sanctions on Cuba, including restrictions on trade, travel and remittances, reversing the Obama administration’s expansion of diplomatic and economic ties with the island nation. By contrast, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has said he would largely restore Obama-era policies toward Cuba. Explain how the electoral college might impact Trump’s Cuba policy.

  10. Based on your knowledge of American politics and the data from these chart, are there any American ethnic groups with more per capita political power than Cuban Americans?

  11. Explain how the electoral college impacts Cuban American voting power.

  12. Describe Cuban American voter turnout compared to other Hispanic Americans.*

  13. On what policy issues are Cuban American most different from other Hispanic Americans?

  14. Explain whether any U.S. state is more important to the presidential elections than Florida (where Joe Biden led Donald Trump by 3 points as of October 3, 2020)?

Learning Extension

Learn more about all Hispanic American voters from these detailed charts from the good folks at the Pew Research Center.

Action Extension

Register to vote or convince someone who can vote to register to vote!

Visual Extension*

See this product in the original post