How much did the average U.S. House race winner spend in 2022?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. How much did the average U.S. House race winner spend in 2022?

  2. How much did the average U.S. Senate race winner spend in 2022?

  3. According to the data from the visual above, since 1990, what has happened to the average cost of winning a seat in Congress?

  4. What do you think explains that change?

  5. Even losing is expensive these days. In 2022 the average cost of losing a U.S. House seat was $803,773. Winning and losing candidates are raising a lot of money. What do you imagine the people who donate that money expect in return?

  6. The average senate winner in 1990 spent more than the average House winner spent in 2022. Why do you think running for the Senate is so much more expensive than running for the House?

  7. According to the visual below* 28 out of 28 Senate incumbents who ran for reelection in 2022 won. Why do incumbents (the candidate already in office) win so often?

  8. According to the visual below* the most expensive Senate race in 2022 cost more than 180 million dollars! How does all the money spent on elections and campaigns impact American democracy?

  9. In 1776, the American colonists left England because of “taxation without representation.” Would it be fair to say that people who can’t afford to give money to candidates are unrepresented (have taxation without representation)?

  10. According to U.S. representative and U.S. presidential candidate Dean Phillips, “Time spent fundraising is time spent away from the duties of a legislator. Those 20-30 hours a week spent “dialing for dollars” or attending fundraising dinners is time not spent directly engaging with constituents, building relationships with fellow lawmakers, and engaging in the work of being a member.” Does the chart above make you want to run for office?

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Look up your Congressional representative and Senators on Open Secrets and see how much money they have raised for elections.

Get Creative

If a congress were a brand of car, what would it be?

Learning Extension

Check out more election trend data from Open Secrets.


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What is the average age of a US Senator?