Congressional Committees


Committees are legislative sub-organizations in the United States Congress that handles a specific duty. Committees reflect the party majority of each chamber of congress. If Republicans are the House Majority, each House committee will be majority Republican with a Republican leader. Subcommittees of Congressional committees mirror the party makeup of their parent committees. Most committees are lead by senior members of the majority party of that chamber. Committee membership enables members to develop specialized knowledge of the matters under their jurisdiction. Congressional committees look at the way that government functions; identify issues that require review; gather and evaluate information; and make legislative recommendations to the full House or Senate. federal government. The committees have evolved over time, reflecting changes in Congress as well as in American society. Here is a list of all current Congressional Committees.




  1. What is a congressional committee?

  2. What are some different congressional committees?

  3. Who decides on membership of congressional committees?

  4. Find an image or emoji that does a good job of conveying the meaning of congressional committees?

  5. What do committees do?

  6. What is the relationship between a committee and their subcommittees?

  7. Who usually leads a congressional committee?

  8. How is the party makeup of a congressional committee determined?


Now, let’s commit this term to our long-term memory. On a scrap piece of paper, take 10 or 20 seconds to draw congressional committee. Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. No one else will see this but you. Look at your drawing. That’s all - now it’s downloaded into your memory. Destroy the piece of paper in a most delightful way.

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