Executive Aggrandizement


Executive aggrandizement describes when a leader expands his power beyond the “checks and balances” provided by the legislature and the judicial system or interferes with the independence of the civil service. Even a legitimately elected leader can undermine democracy if they consolidate power or use government resources to debilitate their political opposition.



  1. Translate executive aggrandizement into plain English.

  2. What branches of government could a fight over executive aggrandizement between?

  3. Are we currently in a moment of executive aggrandizement?

  4. What could the Supreme Court do about executive aggrandizement?

  5. What could the Congress do about executive aggrandizement?

  6. How does presidential impoundment of funds relate to executive aggrandizement?

  7. What are some things the Framers wrote into our Constitution to guard against executive aggrandizement?

  8. What emoji does the best job of representing the meaning of executive aggrandizement?


Now, let’s commit this term to our long-term memory. On a scrap piece of paper, take 10 or 20 seconds to draw executive aggrandizement! Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. No one else will see this but you. Look at your drawing. That’s all - now it’s downloaded into your memory. Destroy the piece of paper in a most delightful way.

Civics and AP Government Glossary


Civil Service

