How polarized is Congress?
Critical Analysis
Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, your big brain, the information provided and any links below:
As members of congress move away from the center (the number 0 on the scale above) they become more extreme and less moderate. As of the 92th Congress in 1971-1972 describe the distance from the ideological center (0) for the average Republican member of the Senate and the distance from the ideological center (0) for the average Democratic member of the Senate.
Describe the overall ideological difference between Senate Republicans and Democrats in the 92th Congress.
Describe the ideological difference between Senate Republicans and Democrats in the recently completed 117th Congress of (2021-2022).
Explain which party moved further from the ideological center in the U.S. Senate between 1971 and 2021.
Political polarization is the divergence of political attitudes away from the center, towards ideological extremes. Explain which house of Congress is more polarized, the House or the Senate.
Based on the changes in congressional polarization over the past half century as shown above, and the even longer term changes in polarization in congress as shown below* what do you think Congressional polarization will be like in 20 more years.
Is there anything good about polarization? Or to ask it another way: Would it be good if everyone in Congress agreed on everything?
Not only is congress polarized (divided between parties), the parties themselves are polarized (divided within). Because of this internal division, after four different candidates in two weeks, the Republican party has been unable to elect a House Speaker. Without a House Speaker, the Congress is basically stuck in limbo, unable to act. Explain the connection between ideological polarization and the inability of Congress to act.
In Federalist No. 51, James “Mad Daddy” Madison writes, “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” Explain the connection between the voters and the congress regarding polarization.
As a general rule, would you say that Congress or the American people are more polarized? Explain your answer with facts about polarization in your own life.
Visual Extension
Red = % of foreign born population. Blue = Party polarization in US House.
Learning Extension
Action Extension
Contact your US House member and ask them how polarization is shaping Congress. Share their answer in class or online.
Polarization Lab
If you are a subscriber to our GoPo Resources Archive you already have access to our brand new Polarization Lab where students investigate and document the level of political polarization in their own lives.
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