How many times has President Biden vetoed bills?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. More than two years into his term, President Biden used his veto powers for the first time, vetoing a joint resolution to block a allowing retirement fund managers to take "environmental, social and governance," or ESG, factors into account. Based on the visual above, how many times has President Biden vetoed a bill from Congress?

  2. Based on the visual above, what president was the vetoer in chief!

  3. Based on the visual above describe the general trend in the number of vetoes since 1933.

  4. What do you think explains that trend?

  5. In 2022 The Biden Labor Department made a rule empowering E.S.G. — short for environmental, social and governance factors - principles in financial firms. On March 1, 2023 Congress cleared a measure in both chambers to block the Labor Department rule. The House approved the measure on a mostly party-line vote; the Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 50 to 46 after two Democrats, Senators Jon Tester of Montana and Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, joined every Republican; and sent to the White House for Mr. Biden to sign into law. Based on your knowledge of American politics explain why there were no vetoes in the first two years of the Biden Administration.

  6. If the House did manage to override the veto, explain why the current party membership of the U.S. Senate makes it unlikely for Congress to override the veto.

  7. How does this entire veto struggle illustrate methods the branches of government use to control of the bureaucracy.

  8. Imagine that the House and the Senate were unable to override the president’s veto. Describe a way the judiciary could also stop this labor department rule.

  9. The House also passed a resolution overturning an Environmental Protection Agency clean water rule, which could get the bipartisan support needed to pass in the Senate. Explain why the number of presidential vetoes is likely to rise in the second half of President Biden’s first term.

  10. Explain what the author of Federalist No. 51 would have thought about the use of a presidential veto.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Contact President Biden and let him know what you think about his veto.

Get Creative

If vetoes cast by saying a spell like in Harry Potter, what would the spell be?

Learning Extension

Listen to this audio report about Biden’s first veto. Then check out the Congressional procedures on veto

Veto Override Procedure in the House and Senate  (CRS) (PDF)

Regular Vetoes and Pocket Vetoes: An Overview  (CRS) (PDF)

And look Up Presidential Vetoes

Summary of Bills Vetoed, 1789 to Present

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