In the U.S. does the minority rule?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. Based on the visual, as of 2040 when 15 states will be home to 67% of the population, what portion of the U.S. Senate will they control?

  2. Explain why, in less than 20 years, 33% of the population will get 70% of Senate representation.

  3. Describe one consequence of this misrepresentation on American politics?

  4. More populous states tend to be more liberal and less populous states tend to be more conservative. Make a claim about how the ideology of the U.S. Senate in 2040 be different from the U.S. House?

  5. What is the historical reason that we give every state no matter its size, 2 Senators?

  6. A student named Becka values political equality and advocates abolishing the U.S. Senate leaving the U.S. with a unicameral legislature based only on population. Make a claim about whether that type of legislature would make the United States more or less democratic.

  7. What makes a state so special today? The original states were basically divided into their shape by colonists 200+ years ago? We know that at the time of the Constitutional Convention, each state was equal, and that made states special. But what makes states special today? Why should they get two senators each, no matter how few people live there? What if we just randomly drew lines on the map dividing the US up into 50 interesting shapes, would each of those shapes deserve special status - and two U.S. Senators? What if we gave the 50 biggest river basins 2 senators? And what if every single person from the state of Delaware moved, would we still give what was left of Delaware two Senators?

  8. If we erased all state lines and just called this the United People of America, how would that impact federalism?

  9. What would an anti-Federalist (like Thomas Jefferson) say about erasing all state lines?

  10. Brutus I (which I’ll call an Anti-Federalist Paper) argues, “The first question that presents itself on the subject is, whether a confederated government be the best for the United States or not? Or in other words, whether the thirteen United States should be reduced to one great republic, governed by one legislature, and under the direction of one executive and judicial; or whether they should continue thirteen confederated republics, under the direction and controul (sp!) of a supreme federal head for certain defined national purposes only?” How would a good federalist (like James Madison) respond to this argument?

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Tell your best friend in the whole world (BFF) whether you think we should abolish the Senate. Share your argument and their reaction in class or online.

Get Creative

Make a bumper sticker advocating for keeping or abolishing the Senate and put it on your car and drive carefully.

Learning Extension*

You know the magazine, GQ? The one with all the pictures of beautiful people? Yeah, that one. They also have words. Check out this interesting argument for why we should abolish the Senate.

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