Social Studies Lab

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How many states flipped from voting for one party in the 2016 presidential election to voting for the other in 2020?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. According to the data from the visual above, in the 2020 election, what percentage of American states changed party from the previous election.

  2. According to the data from the visual above, in what election year did the highest percentage of American states change party from the previous election.

  3. Based on the data from the visual above, in the past seven elections, describe the trend in states flipping parties.

  4. What do you think explains that recent (seven election) trend?

  5. Make a claim about whether that trend is good for democracy.

  6. In some eras of American politics (the 1960s, for example) states were more flippable (they were more likely to shift from one election to the next) in other times, states were more static (they stayed the same from one election to the next). Why do you think some time periods are more flexible than others?

  7. Explain how the use of the electoral college in presidential elections impacts the importance of state election results.

  8. Based on these 270 to Win visuals describe how much your state has flipped over the past few presidential elections.

  9. Make a claim about whether it is better for states to be more fixed or more flexible from one election to the next.

  10. How do you think the lack of flexibility of states impacts presidential campaigns?

Learning Extension

Check out these FiveThirtyEight visuals about presidential election stickiness in American states.

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Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Use these 270 to Win maps to find out how each state has voted in every single dang presidential election EVER. Based on your research share the name of the most unchanging and most changing state since 2000 with your classmates.

Get Creative

If a professional athlete was like a swing state, how would they be?

Learning Extension


See this content in the original post