AP U.S. Government and Politics Glossary

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  • Definition of term

  • Icon for term

  • Example from current news

  • Discussion questions

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Cloture Jonathan Milner Cloture Jonathan Milner


The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes. Although the Senate was unable to reach a cloture vote to end Senator Cruz's filibuster, they could always be counted on to look good on Dancing With The Senators.

  1. What do you think cloture means?

  2. Use cloture in a sentence:

  3. Describe an example of cloture in current events:

  4. How many votes does it take to pass a vote of cloture?

  5. What rhymes with cloture?

  6. Can the U.S. House of Representatives have a vote of cloture?

  7. Doesn’t cloture sound like something you would buy in the daily department at Kroger?

  8. Which chamber of the Congress can use cloture to end a filibuster?

  9. How different would the U.S. political system be without Cloture? Does cloture increase majority or minority rule?

AP Studio Art

Now draw CLOTURE. Take 10 or 20 seconds. That’s all you need. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish or just cut and paste images that work. Now Look at your drawing. Say the name of the term. You’ve got it. That’s all.

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  • Completed graphic organizers for all required documents + Supreme Court cases. 

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